So my only bit of constructive criticism would be this: Identify yourself.
Right now, looking at your page, you seem like every other kid on this site who contributes a tiny bit. Come up with a reason for people to come back to your page, a reason to like who you are and what you do.
You can either do this through your music's badass-ery, or through your own personality on the site, or through other various ways.
Find a way to rise up through the throngs of other audio artists on the site. Be an individual. To quote a Scion commercial, "Become one of us by becoming none of us."
So my only bit of constructive criticism would be this: Identify yourself.
Right now, looking at your page, you seem like every other kid on this site who contributes a tiny bit. Come up with a reason for people to come back to your page, a reason to like who you are and what you do.
You can either do this through your music's badass-ery, or through your own personality on the site, or through other various ways.
Find a way to rise up through the throngs of other audio artists on the site. Be an individual. To quote a Scion commercial, "Become one of us by becoming none of us."
thanks man, I'll definitely try haha, i don't wanna be like everyone else, thats mainly the reason i ditched deviant art.